Thursday, March 25, 2010

W6, pt 3: Library 4.0?

I believe ACL is as advanced as it can be for the online world of libraries. The video about web 2.0 is an apt summary of how the web has evolved into an online social place. People and what they do are ultimately what makes interesting reading and viewing on the web.

While our site,, hosts a number of web 2.0 features (tag clouds, My Discovery, RSS, shareability), it is still not the social space it can be. In fact, we’re a little bit behind the 8 ball, but we’re getting there! Roll on, Twitter! At least we can try to get some sort of two-way communication going with Twitter… hopefully!

The article ‘To a temporary place in time...’ is pointing towards library 4.0 which includes a “knowledge spa: meditation, relaxation, immersion in a luxury of ideas and thought. In companies, this may take the form of retreat space for thought leaders, considered an investment in innovation; in public libraries, the luxurious details will require private partners as sponsors providing the sensory treats.”

Sounds like a sci-fi movie to me, but I’d like to be there!

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